Megatel Development

An issue of note to Van Alstyne is Treasure Island, a Megatel development within the community (but outside city limits) which is proposed to host 4,000 single family homes on very small lots and 2,000 apartments. With those numbers, the development itself would have a higher population than the City of Van Alstyne, utilizing the City’s resources without paying taxes to support roads, parks, etc. The numbers would pose a considerable drain on the City’s resources.

One of the main objections, however, is that as a Municipal Utility District the project would tap into Van Alstyne’s water supply by drilling into the same aquifers as the City and also building its own wastewater plant. The wastewater treatment plant is not needed because the City of Van Alstyne can provide these services. TCEQ, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, is a governing authority in this area and the City and the VAISD have each passed resolutions opposing this project. Citizens may voice their concerns by making contact with those listed below.

For wastewater treatment plant objections reference proposed permit number: WQ0016092001

To contact TCEQ:
Chief Clerk  512-239-3300 or  512-239-3313   Susie.Smith@TCEQ.Texas.Gov
Mr. Vic McWherter, Public Interest Counsel  512-239-5500
Mr. Jon Niermann, Chairman  512-239-5505
Ms. Emily Lindley, Commissioner 512-239-5500
Mr. Bobby Janecka, Commissioner 512-239-5500

Texas House Representative
Mr. Reggie Smith
Austin Office: 512-463-0297
Sherman Office: 903-891-7297