Fine Amounts

Below is a list of common violations and the fine amount. If your violation is not listed below please contact the court for your fine amount. NOTICE: Due to ongoing legislative updates fees are subject to change without notice and you will be required to pay the total amount due. These are the standard fine amounts; however, the judge has the right to adjust fine amounts on a case by case basis.

 Speeding $217 + $1 for every mile over limit
 Speeding in School Zone $304 + $3 for every mile over limit
 Ran Stop Sign or Red Light $229
 Invalid or Expired Registration $214
 No Insurance $331
 Fail to Update DL $205
 No DL $214
 Expired DL $205
 Driving with Invalid License $364

Other Fees:

 Deferred Disposition add $40 to your fine
 Time Pay Fee (past due) $15
 Dismissal Fees $10