Donate to the Library

Book Donation Policy:

See our book donations policy.

Donations are accepted on Mondays only.

Please check out the details here.

Gifts and Memorials:

The Van Alstyne Public Library relies on the generosity of its donors to continue to be a state-of-the-art library. Gifts, donations, and Memorials are encouraged to be donated directly to the Friends of the Library. It is understood that special gifts and bequests should not take the place of public support or cost-effective use of current income, but should enable the Library to provide and enhance services in ways not financially possible within the current annual operating budget.

Monetary Donations:

Monetary donations are welcomed through the Friends of the Library.

Paypal donations made possible through our Friends of the Library website .

(links open the Friends of the Library website, an independent nonprofit organization supporting the Van Alstyne Public Library).