Residential CO Inspection Request
Before submitting your request, please note the following REQUIREMENTS FOR INSPECTION.
We cannot complete your inspection unless the following six checklist items are in place.
1. Exterior property in a clean, safe and sanitary condition.
2. Exterior areas maintained in a manner that controls the growth of high grass and weeds
3. Home should have house numbers attached to the structure so it is visible from road frontage and numerals should be a minimum of 4 inches in height.
4. All meter boxes must be in pristine condition, at grade, and accessible. Meter boxes must be cleaned out and meter nuts must be able to be seen.
5. Cleanouts must be located at -grade and free of debris and concrete.
6. City sidewalks and the approach must be kept clean, safe and free of debris.
Residential CO Inspections are completed by Public Works on Thursdays only. All Residential CO Inspections requests must be submitted on or before Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.
Residential CO Inspections are completed by Public Works on Thursdays only. All Residential CO Inspections requests must be submitted on or before Wednesday at 4:00 p.m.