Support Your Library
The Van Alstyne Library has a variety of volunteer opportunities. Contact the library at 903-482-5991 if you are interested in volunteering.
Friends of the Library:
Membership is available to all interested persons. Friends of Library meet on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm. You are welcome to join in our planning meetings at any time. Further information available here: Library Groups.
Visit the Friends of the Library website here
Book Donations (effective October 2021):
The Friends of the Library and the Van Alstyne Public Library have benefited from patron donations for years. Thank You!
The following policy changes were developed for the reasons below:
- Manpower – We receive hundreds of books on a weekly basis. Neither the Library nor the Friends of the Library have the manpower to process volume of this magnitude.
- Storage – Both the Library and Friends storage facilities are full. Despite hosting two sales a year we are unable to accommodate this many books.
Effective Immediately:
Donations will be accepted Mondays during business hours: 11 am – 6 pm.
3 box maximum per week.
Donations will be accepted Mondays during business hours: 11 am – 6 pm.
3 box maximum per week.
Please consider the following when considering the Library for donations:
Items will be clean, dry, free of mold, mildew and neatly boxed.
Items will be clean, dry, free of mold, mildew and neatly boxed.
- Items Not Accepted
- Garage or estate sale “leftovers”
- VHS or audiocassettes
- Magazines older than 3 months
- Music CD’s
- Reader’s Digest Condensed, encyclopedias, or textbooks.
- Please, no dumping in the parking lot or in the book drop
This new policy helps us keep the Library & Friends resources working towards providing the best service and the best collection possible for you, our patrons.
The Friends of the Library always welcomes cash donations — This gives us the flexibility to purchase media and other equipment to meet needs in the community (link opens the Friends of the Library website, an independent nonprofit organization supporting the Van Alstyne Public Library).
Gifts and Memorials:
The Van Alstyne Public Library relies on the generosity of its donors to continue to be a state-of-the-art library. Gifts, donations, and memorials are encouraged to be donated directly to the Friends of the Library. It is understood that special gifts and bequests should not take the place of public support or cost-effective use of current income, but should enable the Library to provide and enhance services in ways not financially possible within the current annual operating budget.