Van Alstyne Gets a New Ambulance for the Fire Department


Chief Ryan Dockery of the Van Alstyne Fire Department met with me to discuss the brand new ambulance the department ordered as well as the new public safety facility coming to Van Alstyne.


This new ambulance brings the Fire Department vehicles to:

2 engines

2 ambulances

2 brush trucks

1 command vehicle

And the current roles at the fire department are 12 full time positions, 9 paramedics, and 3 positions available

When did we move forward to purchase of new ambulance

Chief Dockery knows the lead time for the required chassis can be up to 2 years, so being proactive to stay within the desired equipment replacement plan, early 2022 quotes were requested and the selection was made. A proposal was taken to city council for approval and the order was placed in May of 2022. We anticipate we will get it as early as the last week of October.


Focus behind this addition

We know we are growing, not shrinking. But this is replacing older equipment to maintain adequate services within the equipment replacement plan. The new ambulance is replacing our oldest ambulance that was purchased in 2013, which is being traded in.


Additional new vehicle plans

The VAFD has also ordered a new fire engine, and this will serve as the new frontline engine and putting the old frontline engine in reserve. The old reserve engine will be sold. The estimated completion date is summer 2024.

This engine is being purchased with funds from the agreement with the Mantua Point development.  There are also funds to order another ambulance. We may order another ambulance soon with these funds to stay proactive with the vehicle replacement plan because of the lead time needed.


New Public Safety facility

The new public safety facility will house police, fire and have a community area. FD is being designed to be a double company station, which means it will operate an ambulance, ladder and engine and possibly a brush, and would also house administration.

We currently are a single company station because we don’t have a ladder. We have a fire engine and an ambulance.

A Fire Marshall would be hired when the city grows into that. In planning for this facility, the design allows us to grow into it in the next several years. The plan for this facility is to fit our department for many many years into the future as Van Alstyne continues to grow.


New hires

In 2024, 1 new firefighter position will become available in January, and that will bring all shifts to 5 personnel per shit.

Future plans include additional command and administrative staff as well as a Fire Marshall position.


Crystal DeBacker
Media Coordinator
City of Van Alstyne